My summer is speeding by with days spent outside enjoying the warm weather, lots of gardening, and many walks and swims with the Dusty puppy. So many plants that I use for dyeing yarn and for my soaps and salves are harvested at this time of year and I've been busy collecting. Our home is full of the wonderful scents and colours!
Being a vendor at one farmers' market a week has kept me very busy. Busier than I expected! I'm not sure how some of the vendors do three markets a week!
I love retail sales and the good experiences far outweigh the not so pleasant. This past week was one that was particularly special and good.
I had three separate customers that were delightful. They were little girls. Maybe not so little. Around 10-12 years old and each of them stood for a long time in front of the yarn display. Wide eyes, gently touching the yarn, and looking at each carefully. Then came the look up to their parents. Can I have one?
I love that in two cases it was to their father they pleaded their case. And, I love that the parents purchased the yarn for their child. Not one of them said anything negative and they valued their daughter's feelings.
We talked about what kinds of crafts they liked to do, what their plans were for the yarn, why they liked certain colours, and how fun it was to play with yarn. It was special. It was me at 12 years old. I remember how it felt to love making things like blankets for my dolls, finger knitting, pompoms, spool knitting, and more. And, I still like it. It's still fun!
There have been many of these little girls over the summer at the market, but to have three in one day made me stop and think that this is where it starts. This love of fibres, and wool, and yarn. One of my first knitting projects was a startling bright purple pillow for my bedroom. I think I was about 11 or 12 years old. I still have it.
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